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Monday, August 16, 2010

Rewards for Increasing Levels in Lovely Farm

At each Level increase, you will receive a Coin Reward as well as unlocking new items. From Level 1 through Level 10, a Level gain will give you a Reward of 200 Coins. From Level 11 through Level 20, a Level gain will give you a Reward of 400 Coins. I was very pleased to discover that, from Level 21 through Level 30, a Level gain will give you a Reward of 600 Coins. As I have not reached Level 31 yet (nor even Level 30 for that matter), I cannot confirm that any Level gain between Level 31 through Level 40 will give you a Reward of 800 Coins but I daresay this is the case. The highest Level that can be achieved at present appears to be Level 70. I would imagine that the Reward for any Level Gain at higher Levels would be as follows:

Level 31 through Level 40: 800 Coins
Level 41 through Level 50: 1000 Coins
Level 51 through Level 60: 1200 Coins
Level 61 through Level 70: 1400 Coins

I would love to have actual confirmation of these higher Rewards from any Player who actually has reached any Level above Level 40.


  1. Good evening Freya,
    I did not even notice the increase in reward coins to be honest. I think I was much too (mistakenly) excited about being able to finally gift cows. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this guide as well as mentioning humble 'ol me in the neighbours list, it is an honour and an incredible surprise!

  2. Kimberly, thank you for your comment. You are a wonderful Neighbour and I am happy you took the time to visit my site.
